Have you been sending out countless applications for roles that you are very well suited for and not been invited to a single interview?


The problem might be with your resume or Curriculum Vitae.


In order to compete with the dozens and sometimes hundreds of other candidates applying for the same role, you need to stand out from the very beginning. This starts with your covering letter and resume – the first impression that you make on any potential employer. This is your chance to provide an overview of your skills, employment history and all the other ingredients that make you an outstanding employee, and to get you to the next stage of the recruitment process – the interview.


You must be able to succinctly and confidently put yourself forward, and there are a number of common mistakes made – relating to the length of the resume, the amount and type of information, formatting and style etc. – which could result in your application being overlooked, even though you might be the most suitable candidate for the role!


Having read through many thousands of resumes among them, the staff at DTE Recruitment are well qualified to explain the ingredients that make up a strong resume. Allow us to assist you in your job search and increasing your chances dramatically by revising, rewriting and/or reformatting your resume and tailoring it to the modern job market.


Call +612 9888 3499 to enquire about our resume writing service.